CONNEXT for inclusion project developed game-based empowerment 2018-2021, which has been summarised in publication Games, seriously!? Serious games as a tool for empowerment. Concrete examples of developed games have been shared in Games, seriously!? CONNEXT game challenges. Below you can find an overall description of its work related with game-based learning.
In CONNEXT for inclusion game-based learning is developed and promoted in transnational collaboration. Professionals from Belgium, Finland and Sweden are welcomed to join a learning network, which consists of trainings, regular online support meetings and further development of game-based learning tools. The starting point for co-creation is the S_U+G Serious Urban Game® methodology, which was originally developed by Belgian gameWise.
The S_U+G® methodology strongly engages the participants of the group in co-creation and makes use of a digital platform designed for city races. During the game scenarios, storyboards, videos, photos, games and blogs are used to express insights about ‘serious’ topics in an appropriate way. In short: it is a game for and by participants.
The process for professionals or any group of participants consists of 3 different consecutive workshops called ‘Labs’: LearningLabs, GameLabs and TestLabs.
General objectives of the S_U+G® methodology are: